His account should be deleted, and the question should be heavily edited in content, along with a warning message explaining what happened.
I'll outline why I think so:
His hoax post in itself has the following issues:
- it abuses free help
- he claimed basically that people answering are stupid for not noticing he didn't show the GNU option that'd catch his error
- that lacks relevance because humans trying to help someone who made a mistake will often assume he made more than the one he's showing around
- there is a lot of operating systems, even linux-based ones where it'd have worked
- he violates ethical standards for systems administrators. as such it's a pity he's holding the job. we don't just got technical requirements but also a certain code to work by.
intentionally misleading people fails that code. even more so if it is for "marketing purposes"
- he fails to even thank people
- he failed to understand that people tried to help him and assumed we don't spot his error (while the dupe pointed to no-preserve-root case, making obvious to a sane person that mods assumed he DID run that and was just too stupid to properly give his example
- he's also not aware older ansible versions might have let him come away with empty vars (iirc that's the case if you go back 2 years in versions)
Finally, I also think if this is not stopped now, we will get a larger problem. A much larger one.
This is a very similar story as the first spam message ever, which went to usenet and didn't get policed hard enough.
That is why we have spam now. it goes back over 20 years because some company got away with it.
Delete the guy's account and email him that he is to never come back unless he vows to act in a manner that respects this place.
He spit in SO's face and there's no reason to keep him around.
And most definitely not the question if we lose rep. over it.
IMO the most important answer in the thread was the one "you need a lawyer", pointing him at the point where you need to interrupt technical measures for business measures to not totally fail in compliance.
I felt really sorry for this poor guy trying to fix it on a technical level where he has to let go and come out.
IMO duping is not really enough, since the linked question iirc concerned only one server whereas he pretended to have taken out everything. (system failure vs. everything failure)
As for verification in news etc.: I found out enough that he's working in some isp context and his past questions weren't super-duped skilled, so it was plausible. I tried to verify via webhostingtalk if there's any outcries from affected customers but a) italy isn't well represented there b) there's always a few dead incompetent ISP's.
This makes it kinda futile - this guy assumes we should have caught him on it when we just tried to calm someone who was (pretense) completely out of their depth.
That, in my mind, shows he's not really a kind person anyway.
I don't him around here and much less so I want his "marketing" to be a thing we encounter again. They can buy adspace for that.
As a sysadmin I feel insulted by the fact he thinks he's doing the same job.