The question has little to do with system administration. It sounds like a hardware problem. The OS is completely irrelevant, there's also home users and individual workstations running "server" OSes, that doesn't automatically make the question subject related to systems administration.
Super User's scope includes individual computers with hardware problems. Since the questions seems to point to consumer grade hardware issues, it's fits in SU's scope.
I understand how this might be confusing to you; other people have found themselves in similar situations. There's a fellow with a question about using a Mac Mini as a "server" who went through the same discussion not long ago.
In response to your update. Nobody told you that you weren't welcome here when your question was moved. Please see the FAQ with regards to collaborative editing and organizing of questions. Getting upset and accusing us of not caring is irrational and unprofessional (what would your boss think/say if he/she saw all of this?). This is not a forum, it's a Q&A site; please see the FAQ for details. This site is for professional administrators, again it's in the FAQ. If these are things you don't like about the site: "this may not be the site for you" (again, from the FAQ). I apologize if this is terse, but the site is what it is.