to any Mods out there, I know this is not under your authority and you probably have no power to fix such, but a while ago I received the "No longer accepting questions from this account" message. I read the page in the link. It's seemingly impossible to regain asking privelages since it's "a secret system" and that even so, it might go back anyways. But when I first got the error, I'd only had a reputation of about 78 or so. It went down to 40 one day, for a dumb question. Since yesterday, I've gone from 40 or 50 to 180. I still can't ask questions. I'm not asking for anyone to "unban" me, but I'd like to know my possible options of things I should do. I'm not going to create a new account. Just that I am feeling a little hopeless now, being unable to ask any of my own questions on such a [great] community board. All I'm asking is for some insight on what I should do from here on in. That's all.
Thanks for your time. Have a nice day.