While I do agree that itThe Comms Room isn't the most sophisticated and mature place to be on this site; it in no wayno way reflects the amount of knowledge on this site. Our appeal to new users reflects more upon the knowledge presented in our Q/A (the actual site content).
If anythingthere is any problem with this site, the problem lies where it always has for this site withhas; the ridicule of the users that post "PLZ HALP MAI SRVRZ ON FYRE LULZ" questions or easily googleable (that really needs to be a word now) questions.
While we do seem to have developed a bit of a chat 'clique','clique'; more often than not, when a newbie pops into chat, we take our time with them. We either pointingpoint them to ask their question on the site, or provide some type of help to what they are asking (obviously. Obviously depending upon what they're asking whether it be advice on how to form a question into an answerable thing or whether a question is OT or not, etc).
Also, I have also seen plenty of times I'll pop into chat and see serious technical discussion going on or mild debate over what vendor/product is better (all friendly, as in no one taking cheap shots on a person debating).
The chat simply is that, chat. A water cooler is a good analogy here. People coming into a common forum to either blow some steam, crack some jokes, and try to have something brighten their day if it is crappy/boring. Maybe somesome toning down ismight be necessary, but even then I disagree, that is why the 'flag for mod' button is there with a full transcript to see the context of the statement. I don't think we need to moderate it all to hell and then drive away the humor of the chat.
..should need to be done, maybedone; make a new chat room that is, essentially, labeled NSFW or SFBS Room to let people know what they are getting into, and which chat is the place to go for some genuine help. With the The way SE's chat works, it is not a big deal for people to be in multiple rooms so, I for one, would not care so much about having a SF chat for serious discussions and one where I can post ponies and, memes, images, etc and have a good laugh, if it has to come to that.
tl dr; Chat is fine, and maybe needs to have if not, make a new BS chat room, in addition to Comms, but don't mod the crap out of it.