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Sam Sam asked: You see a user who generally posts good, useful answers, however they are being rude and offensive to some people in comments, particularly what you might call "less difficult questions". The user has already been warned about their behaviour but that seems to have made no difference. What do you do now?

ErikA ErikA answered: I would confer with other Mods to see if a temp ban would be appropriate.

Iain Iain answered: As a mod use the tools to contact them and explain the situation. Depending on their reaction move to timeouts

Ben Pilbrow Pilbrow Ben Pilbrow answered: Their rude and offensive comments need to be removed and they should be had a word with. If things continue, then that's what the sanctions are for. I'd always try and resolve it without resorting to the sanctions, but you can't let well-liked/high rep'ed community members get away with what you wouldn't let others get away with

Ward Ward answered: Do you want to keep them as a site member? If someone persists in being obnoxious, bans are certainly the way to go (preceded by telling them they're out of line.)

pauska pauska answered: It's a tough one. Sysadmins are generally used of sarcasm/snarkyness, but there is a limit of how much one can tolerate. I'd probably warn the user of a upcoming "break" from the site until such behaviour is toned down, and then either applaud or enforce the "break", depending on the outcome

Chris S S Chris S answered: Start in on the temporary account bans; it's seem to work quite well for those users who stuck it out. If the user doesn't stick it out it's a shame we'll have to lose them on account of the tone of their otherwise correct answers. SF, like any community site, must embrace community first.

WesleyDavid WesleyDavid answered: Depends on how many times he's been warned in the past. Once or twice? Make it a few more times and delete his comments. Half a dozen? At that point it comes time to bring up the mention of bannage. I prefer to have something of a "one strike and you're out" rule. I always warn before a ban, but I don't waggle the ban hammer for giggles.
I'd also bring the topic up to another mod, preferably one more tenured, to get another perspective.

freiheit freiheit answered: Rude and/or offensive behavior can't be allowed. There's an escalation of warning levels about behavior, starting with comments, going to the message from the moderator, and finally suspension. Before getting to suspension I'd be talking to the other mods (either other SF mods or mods on other sites in the Teacher's Lounge)

voretaq7 voretaq7 answered: Ideally I'd try to get the user into chat to explain why we don't want to be too abusive to the newbies -- this is assuming it's a case of "You're saying the right things but in the wrong way".
If the behavior doesn't stop and it feels like it's really abusive/disruptive I'd suggest that the user take a break, and if they don't take that advice (or start being a little nice) and it looks like an escalating pattern is developing a brief time-out/suspension may be in order.

MDMarra MDMarra answered: That's what the penalty box is for, right? Being new, I'd ask for the opinion of other mods, but it seems to me that if a user is repeatedly offensive, they should have to sit in time out for 7 days (or whatever the default length is), assuming they've already been warned via comments or email.

Sam Sam asked: You see a user who generally posts good, useful answers, however they are being rude and offensive to some people in comments, particularly what you might call "less difficult questions". The user has already been warned about their behaviour but that seems to have made no difference. What do you do now?

ErikA ErikA answered: I would confer with other Mods to see if a temp ban would be appropriate.

Iain Iain answered: As a mod use the tools to contact them and explain the situation. Depending on their reaction move to timeouts

Ben Pilbrow Ben Pilbrow answered: Their rude and offensive comments need to be removed and they should be had a word with. If things continue, then that's what the sanctions are for. I'd always try and resolve it without resorting to the sanctions, but you can't let well-liked/high rep'ed community members get away with what you wouldn't let others get away with

Ward Ward answered: Do you want to keep them as a site member? If someone persists in being obnoxious, bans are certainly the way to go (preceded by telling them they're out of line.)

pauska pauska answered: It's a tough one. Sysadmins are generally used of sarcasm/snarkyness, but there is a limit of how much one can tolerate. I'd probably warn the user of a upcoming "break" from the site until such behaviour is toned down, and then either applaud or enforce the "break", depending on the outcome

Chris S Chris S answered: Start in on the temporary account bans; it's seem to work quite well for those users who stuck it out. If the user doesn't stick it out it's a shame we'll have to lose them on account of the tone of their otherwise correct answers. SF, like any community site, must embrace community first.

WesleyDavid WesleyDavid answered: Depends on how many times he's been warned in the past. Once or twice? Make it a few more times and delete his comments. Half a dozen? At that point it comes time to bring up the mention of bannage. I prefer to have something of a "one strike and you're out" rule. I always warn before a ban, but I don't waggle the ban hammer for giggles.
I'd also bring the topic up to another mod, preferably one more tenured, to get another perspective.

freiheit freiheit answered: Rude and/or offensive behavior can't be allowed. There's an escalation of warning levels about behavior, starting with comments, going to the message from the moderator, and finally suspension. Before getting to suspension I'd be talking to the other mods (either other SF mods or mods on other sites in the Teacher's Lounge)

voretaq7 voretaq7 answered: Ideally I'd try to get the user into chat to explain why we don't want to be too abusive to the newbies -- this is assuming it's a case of "You're saying the right things but in the wrong way".
If the behavior doesn't stop and it feels like it's really abusive/disruptive I'd suggest that the user take a break, and if they don't take that advice (or start being a little nice) and it looks like an escalating pattern is developing a brief time-out/suspension may be in order.

MDMarra MDMarra answered: That's what the penalty box is for, right? Being new, I'd ask for the opinion of other mods, but it seems to me that if a user is repeatedly offensive, they should have to sit in time out for 7 days (or whatever the default length is), assuming they've already been warned via comments or email.

Sam Sam asked: You see a user who generally posts good, useful answers, however they are being rude and offensive to some people in comments, particularly what you might call "less difficult questions". The user has already been warned about their behaviour but that seems to have made no difference. What do you do now?

  • Sam Sam added: What would you do, how would you keep them as a site member but rein them in?

ErikA ErikA answered: I would confer with other Mods to see if a temp ban would be appropriate.

Iain Iain answered: As a mod use the tools to contact them and explain the situation. Depending on their reaction move to timeouts

Ben Pilbrow Ben Pilbrow answered: Their rude and offensive comments need to be removed and they should be had a word with. If things continue, then that's what the sanctions are for. I'd always try and resolve it without resorting to the sanctions, but you can't let well-liked/high rep'ed community members get away with what you wouldn't let others get away with

Ward Ward answered: Do you want to keep them as a site member? If someone persists in being obnoxious, bans are certainly the way to go (preceded by telling them they're out of line.)

pauska pauska answered: It's a tough one. Sysadmins are generally used of sarcasm/snarkyness, but there is a limit of how much one can tolerate. I'd probably warn the user of a upcoming "break" from the site until such behaviour is toned down, and then either applaud or enforce the "break", depending on the outcome

Chris S Chris S answered: Start in on the temporary account bans; it's seem to work quite well for those users who stuck it out. If the user doesn't stick it out it's a shame we'll have to lose them on account of the tone of their otherwise correct answers. SF, like any community site, must embrace community first.

WesleyDavid WesleyDavid answered: Depends on how many times he's been warned in the past. Once or twice? Make it a few more times and delete his comments. Half a dozen? At that point it comes time to bring up the mention of bannage. I prefer to have something of a "one strike and you're out" rule. I always warn before a ban, but I don't waggle the ban hammer for giggles.
I'd also bring the topic up to another mod, preferably one more tenured, to get another perspective.

freiheit freiheit answered: Rude and/or offensive behavior can't be allowed. There's an escalation of warning levels about behavior, starting with comments, going to the message from the moderator, and finally suspension. Before getting to suspension I'd be talking to the other mods (either other SF mods or mods on other sites in the Teacher's Lounge)

voretaq7 voretaq7 answered: Ideally I'd try to get the user into chat to explain why we don't want to be too abusive to the newbies -- this is assuming it's a case of "You're saying the right things but in the wrong way".
If the behavior doesn't stop and it feels like it's really abusive/disruptive I'd suggest that the user take a break, and if they don't take that advice (or start being a little nice) and it looks like an escalating pattern is developing a brief time-out/suspension may be in order.

MDMarra MDMarra answered: That's what the penalty box is for, right? Being new, I'd ask for the opinion of other mods, but it seems to me that if a user is repeatedly offensive, they should have to sit in time out for 7 days (or whatever the default length is), assuming they've already been warned via comments or email.

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Tim Stone
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Sam SamSam asked: You see a user who generally posts good, useful answers, however they are being rude and offensive to some people in comments, particularly what you might call "less difficult questions". The user has already been warned about their behaviour but that seems to have made no difference. What do you do now?

ErikA ErikAErikA answered: I would confer with other Mods to see if a temp ban would be appropriate.

Iain IainIain answered: As a mod use the tools to contact them and explain the situation. Depending on their reaction move to timeouts

Ben Pilbrow Ben PilbrowBen Pilbrow answered: Their rude and offensive comments need to be removed and they should be had a word with. If things continue, then that's what the sanctions are for. I'd always try and resolve it without resorting to the sanctions, but you can't let well-liked/high rep'ed community members get away with what you wouldn't let others get away with

Ward WardWard answered: Do you want to keep them as a site member? If someone persists in being obnoxious, bans are certainly the way to go (preceded by telling them they're out of line.)

pauska pauskapauska answered: It's a tough one. Sysadmins are generally used of sarcasm/snarkyness, but there is a limit of how much one can tolerate. I'd probably warn the user of a upcoming "break" from the site until such behaviour is toned down, and then either applaud or enforce the "break", depending on the outcome

Chris S Chris SChris S answered: Start in on the temporary account bans; it's seem to work quite well for those users who stuck it out. If the user doesn't stick it out it's a shame we'll have to lose them on account of the tone of their otherwise correct answers. SF, like any community site, must embrace community first.

WesleyDavid WesleyDavidWesleyDavid answered: Depends on how many times he's been warned in the past. Once or twice? Make it a few more times and delete his comments. Half a dozen? At that point it comes time to bring up the mention of bannage. I prefer to have something of a "one strike and you're out" rule. I always warn before a ban, but I don't waggle the ban hammer for giggles.
I'd also bring the topic up to another mod, preferably one more tenured, to get another perspective.

freiheit freiheitfreiheit answered: Rude and/or offensive behavior can't be allowed. There's an escalation of warning levels about behavior, starting with comments, going to the message from the moderator, and finally suspension. Before getting to suspension I'd be talking to the other mods (either other SF mods or mods on other sites in the Teacher's Lounge)

voretaq7 voretaq7voretaq7 answered: Ideally I'd try to get the user into chat to explain why we don't want to be too abusive to the newbies -- this is assuming it's a case of "You're saying the right things but in the wrong way".
If the behavior doesn't stop and it feels like it's really abusive/disruptive I'd suggest that the user take a break, and if they don't take that advice (or start being a little nice) and it looks like an escalating pattern is developing a brief time-out/suspension may be in order.

MDMarra MDMarraMDMarra answered: That's what the penalty box is for, right? Being new, I'd ask for the opinion of other mods, but it seems to me that if a user is repeatedly offensive, they should have to sit in time out for 7 days (or whatever the default length is), assuming they've already been warned via comments or email.

Sam Sam asked: You see a user who generally posts good, useful answers, however they are being rude and offensive to some people in comments, particularly what you might call "less difficult questions". The user has already been warned about their behaviour but that seems to have made no difference. What do you do now?

ErikA ErikA answered: I would confer with other Mods to see if a temp ban would be appropriate.

Iain Iain answered: As a mod use the tools to contact them and explain the situation. Depending on their reaction move to timeouts

Ben Pilbrow Ben Pilbrow answered: Their rude and offensive comments need to be removed and they should be had a word with. If things continue, then that's what the sanctions are for. I'd always try and resolve it without resorting to the sanctions, but you can't let well-liked/high rep'ed community members get away with what you wouldn't let others get away with

Ward Ward answered: Do you want to keep them as a site member? If someone persists in being obnoxious, bans are certainly the way to go (preceded by telling them they're out of line.)

pauska pauska answered: It's a tough one. Sysadmins are generally used of sarcasm/snarkyness, but there is a limit of how much one can tolerate. I'd probably warn the user of a upcoming "break" from the site until such behaviour is toned down, and then either applaud or enforce the "break", depending on the outcome

Chris S Chris S answered: Start in on the temporary account bans; it's seem to work quite well for those users who stuck it out. If the user doesn't stick it out it's a shame we'll have to lose them on account of the tone of their otherwise correct answers. SF, like any community site, must embrace community first.

WesleyDavid WesleyDavid answered: Depends on how many times he's been warned in the past. Once or twice? Make it a few more times and delete his comments. Half a dozen? At that point it comes time to bring up the mention of bannage. I prefer to have something of a "one strike and you're out" rule. I always warn before a ban, but I don't waggle the ban hammer for giggles.
I'd also bring the topic up to another mod, preferably one more tenured, to get another perspective.

freiheit freiheit answered: Rude and/or offensive behavior can't be allowed. There's an escalation of warning levels about behavior, starting with comments, going to the message from the moderator, and finally suspension. Before getting to suspension I'd be talking to the other mods (either other SF mods or mods on other sites in the Teacher's Lounge)

voretaq7 voretaq7 answered: Ideally I'd try to get the user into chat to explain why we don't want to be too abusive to the newbies -- this is assuming it's a case of "You're saying the right things but in the wrong way".
If the behavior doesn't stop and it feels like it's really abusive/disruptive I'd suggest that the user take a break, and if they don't take that advice (or start being a little nice) and it looks like an escalating pattern is developing a brief time-out/suspension may be in order.

MDMarra MDMarra answered: That's what the penalty box is for, right? Being new, I'd ask for the opinion of other mods, but it seems to me that if a user is repeatedly offensive, they should have to sit in time out for 7 days (or whatever the default length is), assuming they've already been warned via comments or email.

Sam Sam asked: You see a user who generally posts good, useful answers, however they are being rude and offensive to some people in comments, particularly what you might call "less difficult questions". The user has already been warned about their behaviour but that seems to have made no difference. What do you do now?

ErikA ErikA answered: I would confer with other Mods to see if a temp ban would be appropriate.

Iain Iain answered: As a mod use the tools to contact them and explain the situation. Depending on their reaction move to timeouts

Ben Pilbrow Ben Pilbrow answered: Their rude and offensive comments need to be removed and they should be had a word with. If things continue, then that's what the sanctions are for. I'd always try and resolve it without resorting to the sanctions, but you can't let well-liked/high rep'ed community members get away with what you wouldn't let others get away with

Ward Ward answered: Do you want to keep them as a site member? If someone persists in being obnoxious, bans are certainly the way to go (preceded by telling them they're out of line.)

pauska pauska answered: It's a tough one. Sysadmins are generally used of sarcasm/snarkyness, but there is a limit of how much one can tolerate. I'd probably warn the user of a upcoming "break" from the site until such behaviour is toned down, and then either applaud or enforce the "break", depending on the outcome

Chris S Chris S answered: Start in on the temporary account bans; it's seem to work quite well for those users who stuck it out. If the user doesn't stick it out it's a shame we'll have to lose them on account of the tone of their otherwise correct answers. SF, like any community site, must embrace community first.

WesleyDavid WesleyDavid answered: Depends on how many times he's been warned in the past. Once or twice? Make it a few more times and delete his comments. Half a dozen? At that point it comes time to bring up the mention of bannage. I prefer to have something of a "one strike and you're out" rule. I always warn before a ban, but I don't waggle the ban hammer for giggles.
I'd also bring the topic up to another mod, preferably one more tenured, to get another perspective.

freiheit freiheit answered: Rude and/or offensive behavior can't be allowed. There's an escalation of warning levels about behavior, starting with comments, going to the message from the moderator, and finally suspension. Before getting to suspension I'd be talking to the other mods (either other SF mods or mods on other sites in the Teacher's Lounge)

voretaq7 voretaq7 answered: Ideally I'd try to get the user into chat to explain why we don't want to be too abusive to the newbies -- this is assuming it's a case of "You're saying the right things but in the wrong way".
If the behavior doesn't stop and it feels like it's really abusive/disruptive I'd suggest that the user take a break, and if they don't take that advice (or start being a little nice) and it looks like an escalating pattern is developing a brief time-out/suspension may be in order.

MDMarra MDMarra answered: That's what the penalty box is for, right? Being new, I'd ask for the opinion of other mods, but it seems to me that if a user is repeatedly offensive, they should have to sit in time out for 7 days (or whatever the default length is), assuming they've already been warned via comments or email.

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Tim Stone
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Sam Sam asked: You see a user who generally posts good, useful answers, however they are being rude and offensive to some people in comments, particularly what you might call "less difficult questions". The user has already been warned about their behaviour but that seems to have made no difference. What do you do now?

ErikA ErikA answered: I would confer with other Mods to see if a temp ban would be appropriate.

Iain Iain answered: As a mod use the tools to contact them and explain the situation. Depending on their reaction move to timeouts

Ben Pilbrow Ben Pilbrow answered: Their rude and offensive comments need to be removed and they should be had a word with. If things continue, then that's what the sanctions are for. I'd always try and resolve it without resorting to the sanctions, but you can't let well-liked/high rep'ed community members get away with what you wouldn't let others get away with

Ward Ward answered: Do you want to keep them as a site member? If someone persists in being obnoxious, bans are certainly the way to go (preceded by telling them they're out of line.)

pauska pauska answered: It's a tough one. Sysadmins are generally used of sarcasm/snarkyness, but there is a limit of how much one can tolerate. I'd probably warn the user of a upcoming "break" from the site until such behaviour is toned down, and then either applaud or enforce the "break", depending on the outcome

Chris S Chris S answered: Start in on the temporary account bans; it's seem to work quite well for those users who stuck it out. If the user doesn't stick it out it's a shame we'll have to lose them on account of the tone of their otherwise correct answers. SF, like any community site, must embrace community first.

WesleyDavid WesleyDavid answered: Depends on how many times he's been warned in the past. Once or twice? Make it a few more times and delete his comments. Half a dozen? At that point it comes time to bring up the mention of bannage. I prefer to have something of a "one strike and you're out" rule. I always warn before a ban, but I don't waggle the ban hammer for giggles.
I'd also bring the topic up to another mod, preferably one more tenured, to get another perspective.

freiheit freiheit answered: Rude and/or offensive behavior can't be allowed. There's an escalation of warning levels about behavior, starting with comments, going to the message from the moderator, and finally suspension. Before getting to suspension I'd be talking to the other mods (either other SF mods or mods on other sites in the Teacher's Lounge)

voretaq7 voretaq7 answered: Ideally I'd try to get the user into chat to explain why we don't want to be too abusive to the newbies -- this is assuming it's a case of "You're saying the right things but in the wrong way".
If the behavior doesn't stop and it feels like it's really abusive/disruptive I'd suggest that the user take a break, and if they don't take that advice (or start being a little nice) and it looks like an escalating pattern is developing a brief time-out/suspension may be in order.

MDMarra MDMarra answered: That's what the penalty box is for, right? Being new, I'd ask for the opinion of other mods, but it seems to me that if a user is repeatedly offensive, they should have to sit in time out for 7 days (or whatever the default length is), assuming they've already been warned via comments or email.

Post Made Community Wiki by Tim Stone