Mark Henderson Mark Henderson asked: How do you feel about old (say, more than 12 months old) content that is now off-topic due to an FAQ revision? If one user went and flagged 44 posts in 10 minutes on posts from circa 2009 stating them as off-topic, do you act on the flags?
ErikA ErikA answered: My tendency would be to just leave them.
Ward Ward answered: I like the close them, but leave them in place approach. As for 44 flags in 10 minutes... I'd tell Wesley to slow down.
pauska pauska answered: If the question has answers then I'd probably lock+protect it. No point in removing data from the site that once were allowed.
WesleyDavid WesleyDavid answered: >_< Lock them all and leave CLEAR reason as to why it's not appropriate now. Future culture must be preserved in the face of old questions when the goals were not well stated or well followed.
Chris S Chris S answered: For old questions I'd allow a bit more leniency, but if it's way off topic I'd act on the flags just like any other question.
Ben Pilbrow Ben Pilbrow answered: I'd probably tell them to slow down and stop with the badge hunting ;) I'd probably lock/close them but not delete them to show others this kind of thing is off-topic
voretaq7 voretaq7 answered: I would not action those flags, and I would explain to the user that the general rule is "old content stays where it is unless the other site asks us for it".
If they were going around flagging old junk with no answers to be closed/deleted that would be a different animal.
freiheit freiheit answered: If it's now off-topic, I'd be strongly inclined to close. Though with 11 seconds per post, I'd be highly suspect that the user wasn't being careful about checking the posts.
MDMarra MDMarra answered: The will of the community changes from time to time. Something that was once on topic and is now off-topic is fair game for flags, as far as I'm concerned. Many users point to old, but currently OT questions as justification for asking new OT questions.
Iain Iain answered: I would prefer to leave old content that has been superseded by the FAQ left as it is. - perhaps locked to new answers and I really don't see much point in sending old content to new sites unless they specifically ask for it. I wouldn't do anything except lock questions with accepted answers. If the person doing it were doing so in good faith I wouldn't decline them but equally I might not action them.