Holocryptic http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/8683d8fce29fe8993114646382a882c5?s=16&d=identicon&r=PG Holocryptic asked: Do you think you will be more active if granted mod status? If so, would you see it as an opportunity to promote the site? If so, are there other things you think you could do to promote/improve the site?
Ward http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/f347c53c9cb1ddcb816daeb22aaf89c8?s=16&d=identicon&r=PG Ward answered: Probably not more active, but differently. A bit less time voting, more time dealing with flags and editing.
WesleyDavid http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/a5ff577e70b04252ff110946377fd706?s=16&d=identicon&r=PG WesleyDavid answered: I would be more effective as a result of my interest in going back through our history and closing topics that are clearly not right for ServerFault. No more bogging the existing mods down with 44 flags per night! I don't think I can promote the site any more than I already do with my blog, I'm wearing a SF T-shirt right now, I have an SF sticker on my iPhone and on my laptop lid. =)
EDIT: Sorry! I misunderstood the question. I would be about the same activity level. I would answer questions less, but I'm already letting that slip anyway. My time on the site and my Q/A activity would not be noticeably effected. I'm moving my activity in this direction anyway, mod diamond or not.
ErikA http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/b8f700857e67da1a482498c35e39338d?s=16&d=identicon&r=PG ErikA answered: I feel the amount of time I spend would stay the same, but I would spend more time with administrativa than actually answering questions. Regarding site promotion, there's a good reason I'm not in marketing. :)
Chris S http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/71838b1ccd71421a3fc3db6612ba83c1?s=16&d=identicon&r=PG Chris S answered: I'd think I'd be about the same. Possibly slightly less active while taking care of mod "dirty work".
pauska http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/736558f18dfae17d79cf0479cac2838f?s=16&d=identicon&r=PG pauska answered: I don't think I would spend more time on the site, as I'm already here.. alot.. I would probably be a bit more awake about promoting SX (not just SF) to coworkers, business partners etc. We really need more professionals!
voretaq7 http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/03b75a71937ed56b4d9c3d244f776d05?s=16&d=identicon&r=PG voretaq7 answered: I consider being a mod an additional "as time allows" thing, much like the 10k tools. It is my intent to continue to answer questions and remain active in that part of the site, up to and including doing "alternate days" (one day modding, one day answering) if I get that overloaded.
I consider promotion/improvement of the site a separate beast: I do try to get good talent to look at SF and other stack sites (and hopefully they stay around and participate), but I don't consider that part of mod-ship. It's part of being a community member.
freiheit http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/0e68b82b2d7a20eba36c9fbe4350dd0d?s=16&d=identicon&r=PG freiheit answered: Yes, I would be more active. Promotion can really be done by anybody, and the skills to be a good promoter are different than the skills of being a good moderator. So, no, I probably wouldn't be doing any more promotion than the "get some friends or co-workers or FB followers to check something on SF out" stuff that I've done before.
MDMarra http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/e6742a4db416a14e4b0201e0ee2f2506?s=16&d=identicon&r=PG MDMarra answered: I already am very active, I don't see that dropping off. I also link to SF on my blog, and my g+ profile. I encourage people at work to participate in the community as well. I don't see myself doing more than I currently do, but I currently do a decent amount of promoting.
Iain http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/5ed89f9c3282d40e51e5573a30a8fe97?s=16&d=identicon&r=PG Iain answered: I'm expecting to be much the same but to shift focus to actioning things rather than finding them. I promote SF whenever I can but try not to be preachy about it.