I've seen y'all are wary of suspect upvoting patterns here on SF: Upvoting without discretionUpvoting without discretion
But I've also noticed that even on questions with several comments, upvotes are very rare. Full disclosure, I've observed this on my questions and have not spent any significant amount of time looking for it on others questions.
I've asked 20 questions here on SF, 10 of them have no upvotes at all, three of these have nearly or more than 100 views, several have answers and most have at least comments.
It gives the site a bit of a cold demeanor and frankly is a bit frustrating.
I in no way request or condone compelling people to up vote and I do not necessarily want people to up vote my questions if they don't have another reason to outside my bringing this up.
However, being willing to up vote more freely should help warm this place up a bit and make it more welcoming.
Of course, that may be exactly the vibe all y'all BOFH's are trying to avoid...