Symantec Endpoint Protection vs Microsoft Endpoint Protection Whereas : My Question was recently categorized as a shopping question
I have cast a close vote on that question too, you are right, it is shopping also. Occasionally off-topic questions will get through, and not get noticed. This does not mean we should allow questions we notice as being off-topic to stay around.
I always thought of Server fault as a learning and sharing place.
Most Stack Exchange tend to have a far more specific goal. We want practical answerable questions, where a single person can post an answer, that isn't an opinion, but instead based on facts. The sites operation on a Question and Answer engine, and many of us have a strong desire to not let it devolve into the horrible experience that you see on forums, and sites like Yahoo Answers, etc. So it is a place where you can learn ans share so long as what you want to learn or share fits very nicely within the Q&A format.
Your question is far too broad you asked and most not very useful. You asked like 6 or 7 different questions in there.
Several parts were What Hardware would you recommend
. There is simply no reasonable way for us to answer this question for you. Nobody ever provides enough information about their workloads or environment for us to answer this question in a useful way. Even if they did, the vendor will usually be able to answer this question, and give you a much better answer then what you will get from some random individual.
You asked how do I make backups
. But you haven't told us anything about your existing environment. I would assume you already have some backup system in place. It would be best for you to figure out if you can extend your existing tools. If not, call and ask the vendor. They probably have a good idea about how to make good backups.
If you have anything to add / correct - that will be really helpful...
Stack Exchange is NOT a forum. We expect specific questions that will have specific answers. Asking for general advice often results in answers that just do not fit well in a Q&A site.
You asked:
a) If we had these users distributed amongst two sites with AD DC / GC in each site, How would I restrict SEPM and Desktop Mgmt. solution to only check for users in their respective site ? b) At present all users are under one building but we are going to move some dept. to a new location (with dedicated connectivity), How would we control which SEPM / MGMT Server is responsible for which site ?
If you asked this as a question all by itself with the required supporting details, then I would probably upvote it. This at least is a good question that would fit in the Q&A format.
Asking how to setup SEP with across multiple sites could result in useful answers. It is clear, it is specific.
I also suggest you take a look at these pages. In my opinion your current questions are vary badly structured and in makes it difficult to read, and therefore difficult to answer. Asking a good clear specific question is absolutely critical to getting the most useful answers.