Your specific question regards an issue not often dealt with by system and network administrators. We buy the domain names our companies need, and that's usually that. If someone's squatting on them, we tell the lawyers and they handle it from there. This issue is much more commonly seen by a certain class of webmaster, and so WebmastersWebmasters is a much better fit for the question.
The question then becomes, what to do with the question? We could answer it, migrate it, or close it. Answering it would just create a duplicate question and answer across multiple sites. While this is often useful, sometimes it's better not to have such duplication. Migrating it, in this case, would leave the migrated question closed as a duplicateduplicate on the destination site. Closing it outright, with a pointer to the question on the sister site, was what happened here. Since Webmasters is not on our list of migration targets, actually migrating it would have required a moderator to intervene.