This questionThis question got closed as primarily opinion-based. At the time the question got closed, I had almost completed a fairly substantial and I thought helpful answer for a new sysadmin, explaining why yes, he should use his distro's packages unless he had a good reason not to. In short, it's a best practice.
A similar thing happened to this questionthis question. I myself voted to close it as too broad, and it was closed. But before it was, Zoredache flagged it as a duplicate of this questionthis question, which was longstanding and had a couple of high-quality and highly voted, though admittedly broad, answers. Again, it ended up being a best practices question. Later someone voted to close that one too.
So, my questions:
Can we please reopen the first question? I think it's actually a pretty good question for a new sysadmin (though probably a dup if I could find it).
Any suggestions for how to distinguish good best practice questions from other too broad or opinion-based questions?