If a setup is known to be unsupported by manufacturers and as such they won't support it, I don't see why we in particular and the internet in general should support it.
If you knowingly use an unsupported configuration then you're on your own. It's no different really than adding the latest version of $application to EL by compiling it from source, all bets are off.
It s difficult enough to help people without having to figure out if you are fighting an unsupported configuration or some real problem.
It seems that SF prefers questions already answered elsewhere, in some manual or "best practices" paper, and are given here in better clarity. Questions that involve even a minimal design are considered bad.
Oh, if only this were so - the number of crappy questions we get that could be avoided if the OP spent 5 minutes reading the documentation or searching SF or the wide internet rather than using us as a thinking service and expecting a personalised answer.