I have my own question:
PXE boot windows PE from LinuxPXE boot windows PE from Linux
Which seems to contribute useful information on how to PXE windows from a Linux server, however the issue I personally experienced was a result of a bad FTP-get (so the windows PE didn't boot because the FTP client I used didn't grab the whole thing).
On one hand, questions that are a result of minor user errors such as typos are considered off topic. On the other hand I feel like the question/answer provides useful information.
I can't delete the question, because it has an upvoted answer (I probably upvoted the answer). I'm not sure it would be good to delete it either because the question is also upvoted, suggesting someone found it useful.
So is there an action that should be taken on the question? Should it be marked as closed? Should I include an edit stating that the issue was simply from an FTP-get error, and that there wasn't an issue in the method used? Or should I just leave it be?