So, I asked a question now deleted, that got hammered downincluded the Title "Pay as a "Billing" relatedYou Go Server". In hindsight, the wording was poor, and the question has been deleted. I thought I My intent for the question was asking how'How is it possible for a server to run a Cloud/VPS server less than 24 hours a day, but whatever. I can understand some folks just can't read past?' There was a link to the headlines and if they see words like "purchasing" or "billing" or "pay" they can get stuck onprovider's price calculator showing that, and can't see further into a question this was possible.
But here's my rubThe comments indicated that "billing" related questions are inappropriate for this site. I
I did check the guidelines for what is acceptable questions for this stack exchange, and no where, no how do I. I did not see anything on this page related to "Billing""Billing (not that I'm asking about that anyway...) It's okay to have specific behavior in a group like this, but if that is the requirement please so state/ Pricing / Costs" in the written published guidelines or the don't ask guidelines. Please don't make me waste my time attempting to ask a question that might I can understand why specifics on cost should be helpful to othersexcluded from this site, to only get it killed later (forbut what seems like a random downvote).
And if the guidelines are "no questions containing the words billing or payments or any other issues involving price of supplier services" that is fine but please let us know up front that is the requirement. (In fact, is that a real requirementgroups actual guidelines on pricing discussions?)
My tendency is to changeDo the title of that posting from "Cloud Computing Pay as You Go Server (less than 24 hours current use/ day?)" to "How do you run a Cloud Computing Server less than 24 Hours a Daydon't use guidelines for serverfault accurately identify the usage guidelines for pricing related questions?" and resubmit. Sigh.