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8 votes
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Was anyone else's security appliance blocking SF today?

Spoke with our security guys, and apparently VBS/Virus.invadesys was being detected. Probably a bad virus signature, or maybe one of the ads.
Andrew B's user avatar
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Community Ads broken (again, 3rd time this year)

The community ads aren't showing on the main page. It's taken a couple days and multiple people to be sure (per Chernoff I have resisted the urge to sit on my F5 key). Please fix them (again)!
Chris S's user avatar
  • 78.3k
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Sidebar ad displays an error message from

Just refreshed the Server Fault main page and saw this in the right sidebar: The image location emdedded into the page is the alt text is Try OpenIndiana Today
sharptooth's user avatar
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Community ads broken (again)

With as good of a scientific sample as I can muster through abuse of my F5 key, it seems that we're back to our previous state of broken on the community ads. Can we get this looked at?
Shane Madden's user avatar
8 votes
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How often are the community ads supposed to run?

I have only the lamest colloquial proof, but I don't think the community ads are coming up. I haven't seen them. When I asked in chat, nobody else had seem them. The stats page doesn't indicate how ...
Chris S's user avatar
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What is "Do you haz teh codez"?

700 Software's user avatar
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Are the rg tags getting out of control on ServerFault?

Possible Duplicate: legitimate ways for users to protest irrelevant sponsorship of tags Ok, fine, Redgate has tools for Exchange and SQL Server, so maybe it makes sense to have the annoying ...
Ward - Trying Codidact's user avatar