Questions tagged [migration]

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0 votes
1 answer

Mirgration of questions to U&L

On reflection I feel that I should have posted the following three questions of mine on U&L rather than SF. Can they please be migrated? How to block a specific GID via PAM? Can authconfig/...
2 votes
1 answer

Reputation from sister sites should be considered

Sometimes I would like to edit the tags on a question, but I don't have the 'reputation' to do so. How about taking into account reputation on sister sites? I have over 100K total between ...
3 votes
1 answer

Does my tunneling question belong here or on SU?

I've just asked this: How do corkscrew, proxytunnel and httptunnel set tunnels up? but on second though, I'm not sure whether it belongs on SF or on SU. On one hand, it's about managing network ...
5 votes
1 answer

Question potentially off-topic, judment and possible migration needed

In regards to this question. I am an IT Professional and I am doing sysadmin work on a network appliance and server on what is my primary business network. However, I do not use it to provide services ...
10 votes
2 answers

Can we have better messaging for handling Web Hosting Control Panel questions?

In the comments for this meta question we noticed that the messaging around closing Web Hosting Control Panel questions is outdated. The current text is: Questions involving web hosting control ...
10 votes
2 answers

Web Hosting Control Panel questions migration

I wanted to share that we got contacted back by Webmasters Stack Exchange for cPanel/WHC question that are off-topic there on ServerFault, that they will gladly accept them. I just wanted to share it ...
0 votes
1 answer

Bounty an exceptional answer on a closed question

On the question Why does x86 represent 32bit when x64 represents 64bit?, Daniel C. Sobral gave an amazing answer. I'd like to bounty it because I never could find any of the information he shared. ...
6 votes
1 answer

How should I vote on a question which I consider too low quality to migrate?

I came across a question in the close queue, which I feel need to provide some more information in order to be a good question. I could vote to close the question, but I can see that the question ...
-8 votes
1 answer

Off Topic Migration to Security Stackexchange

It is not often, but it can occur that a post belong to Security Stackexchange. What about adding it to the migration list ? It would fit the empty space ! Some examples this week: Why are some ...
2 votes
3 answers

Can we have more "Suggested Sites" for question migrations?

Are we able to add more options into the "belongs on" menu within the flag menu? I'm aware of the "flag for moderator approval" as discussed in this Meta question, but I'm wondering if some more ...
3 votes
1 answer

closed serverfault question

I am reading this closed question and I find the reason for closing it a bit confusing: Why does it matter the environment where the issue occurs, since it could equally happen both at home for ...
-14 votes
4 answers

Suggestion: helping amateurs to get their way to SU / unix SE

As we can see for example here, a considerable part of the non-professional, or non-sysadmins are coming here only because they don't know, where is the exact place of their questions. They don't have ...
4 votes
2 answers

Question deleted without any comment/motivation

This question: was deleted without any apparent reason. Since it deals with an important problem ...
43 votes
10 answers

Should Server Fault be removed from Stack Overflow's migration list?

At the end of October, Shog9 said: If SO migrations are truly a problem, then you get removed as a migration target completely. No user migrations, period. as a response to this m.SO question ...
2 votes
1 answer

How do you reject a migration?

Further to Michael's recent question and since I couldn't quickly find information on rejecting migrations from SO^H^H other sites... How do you reject a migration and what happens when you do it?
22 votes
2 answers

Formally changing the #4 migration target

Whereas, the migration statistics as discovered in this meta post show a demonstrated and ongoing trend of mod-only migrations to, and Whereas, Webmasters has not resided in the ...
6 votes
4 answers

Would asterisk questions be welcome here?

Is it ok if I vote to migrate asterisk questions from Super User to here?
4 votes
2 answers

Migrations: Unix vs. Superuser?

I feel like this is something that has to have been covered somewhere on meta before, but I can't find a question dedicated to it. Feel free to nudge me in the direction of one where the topic has ...
3 votes
1 answer

migrated questions appear under `active` but not `newest`?

Just had my question migrated from stackoverflow, but couldn't find the question anywhere until I looked in active. Shouldn't the question also appear in newest?
10 votes
2 answers

Question about Migrated post that was closed

I am a moderator at Drupal answers, and migrated this question to SF a few days ago. I migrated it because it didn't really have anything to do with Drupal or Drupal configuration. It is essentially ...
2 votes
1 answer

Domino question from SU

I was wondering if you were interested in this Lotus Domino question from Super User. It seems fairly well written (though I don't know much about Domino) and seems to be a better fit for SF with its ...
25 votes
7 answers

Where to ask complex but home network questions?

The new blog post on the SuperUser blog says that home networking questions should now be asked on SuperUser. But this has been bothering me: What about complex home networking questions? It may be ...
6 votes
6 answers

Guidelines for question migration

Being new to the toolbox, I can't help noticing that apparently some work is spent on raising old dust. Lately I've seen migrations of posts from 2009 (1, 2) to SuperUser despite of the apparent ...
6 votes
1 answer

The state of the #4 migration target

Over the last several months I've seen a trend in flag-reasons. Several of you are of the opinion that our #4 migration target should not be Webmasters, but either Unix & Linux or DBA. This is ...
3 votes
2 answers

Flag questions with accepted answers for migration?

Suppose a "Linux" question gets moved here from Stack Overflow. The question is simple, quickly answered, and accepted; but the question really doesn't fit ServerFault, it just doesn't fit Stack ...
5 votes
2 answers

Was migrate correct for this question?

I was recently involved in a question on stack overflow How do I install Apache/PHP/MySQL onto Mac OS X Lion? and it was just migrated to Server Fault. Is Server Fault really the right place for this ...
9 votes
3 answers

What kind of database/DBA questions does the SF community want to keep?

It is likely that will be leaving beta in the near future. While the site has been in beta, questions have been migrated "only for exceptional circumstances", but that will ...
4 votes
2 answers

Why was a flag for migration to U&L declined when the question isn't SA related?

Bear with me, I'm fuming about getting a decline flag at 665 fw, which will take about 20ish successful flags to make up. I flagged this question for migration to U&L. It has absolutely nothing ...
1 vote
2 answers

Possible migration from Programmers

Do you guys want this question on testing a cluster of CPUs. It's already got one plain close vote and a flag for migration here.
0 votes
2 answers

Reverse-migrating questions from other Stack Exchange sites?

Searching through the Stack Exchange network for tags like raid, mdadm or whatever, I've found quite a few questions (mainly pre-2010) that seem like they belong on Server Fault; should we (...
4 votes
2 answers

Why was my question migrated to Super User?

I'm not complaining or mad - just confused. The reason for Server Fault is "For System Administrators and Desktop Professionals - which I am." My question seemed to me to be related to a "desktop ...
1 vote
2 answers

What should be done with questions that are duplicates if they get migrated?

I'm thinking of this question: It's a textbook "Belongs on Superuser" question, but if it were ...
8 votes
2 answers

Migration statistics for February

Using mod tools make this kind of list easier to make. Anyway, for February, here is the break-down of where questions were migrated away from ServerFault. I didn't go into any additional stats (mod-...
4 votes
1 answer

Need help removing [ie] tag from migrated questions

I have just gone through and removed the ie tag from a few posts replacing it with internet-explorer. Since there were only 11, I did them manually. Now I'm stuck because the following 2 questions ...
-6 votes
2 answers

On migrating to unix-SE

Unix & Linux has recently been launched, so I'm wondering if there are questions in here that need migrating. The FAQ states that this site is not for General personal computer troubleshooting. ...
6 votes
5 answers

Is there an age cut off on the questions you want migrated from SO?

I'm a moderator on SO and have been coming across a fair amount of questions that really belong on Server Fault. Some of them are circa 2008. A lot of these are surfacing after being identified ...
1 vote
1 answer

I had a question migrated from supseruser. What steps can I take to associate the question with my new SF account?

Just as the question says, how can i get my migrated question associated with my account? Here is the question in question: My web-page doesn't seem to be available on other computers (the www) ...
5 votes
4 answers

mod_rewrite/htaccess/etc. questions - migrate?

As was noted by sysadmin1138 in the Unprofessional Questions thread, we've been getting a lot of mod_rewrite questions as of late. Add to those all of the questions we get asked regularly about ...
4 votes
3 answers

Server Fault FAQ Update

Based on the responses to this question here, and after reviewing the FAQ again, I would like to suggest a section be added similar to Super User which explicitly states what questions are not allowed ...
5 votes
3 answers

Do questions about managing and troubleshooting gaming server software belong here?

I've proposed to have a migration path from Gaming to Server Fault not just to give questions on this topic (example questions: 1, 2, 3) a place where they'd fit better, but rather to give them better ...
2 votes
5 answers

Should users <3k flag to migrate?

Currently there are "only" 100 users with >3000 reputation, i.e. who can vote to migrate a question. Everyone else (over 15 anyway) can only flag what seem to be "obvious" migration questions (...
24 votes
7 answers

Stop sending things to SuperUser to die!!

I'm seeing SO MANY questions lately that should be KILLED ON THE SPOT that are simply being moved to SuperUser as a way to get rid of them. This should not be done. I don't know if people are scared ...
4 votes
1 answer

Doubtful serverfault migration

Is this question really about "servers, networks or the administration of many machines"? I can't understand how other questions that strictly not programming related (e.g. how to change some setting ...
9 votes
2 answers

Fix discrepancy between Server Fault reasons for migration and FAQ

Server Fault is getting questions migrated to it that are not appropriate to it, because the close reason associated with migration to SF is overly general. From the migrate to SF close reason: ...
2 votes
2 answers

Change a question from "Deleted" to "Closed - transferred"

I recently removed (deleted) one of my own questions from Stack Overflow because I re-created the question under appropriate tags on Server Fault. However, I hadn't realized that this would "...