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Questions tagged [reputation]

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17 votes
3 answers

Confused about joining the community (reputation)

I am confused about how to join this community. Here's what I've done so far: 1) I have a problem. 2) I came here for help 3) When I went to ask the question, the instructions told me to ...
eejai42's user avatar
  • 111
3 votes
2 answers

Lost reputation "User was removed"

I have lost 10 rep and I don't know why. The message is "User was removed". What does that mean?
Christopher Perrin's user avatar
-7 votes
3 answers

request to prohibit anonymous and without-reason-explanation downvoting

More than half of my posts has downvoting without any comments. I believe that downvoting without explaining the reasons, as well as anonymous downvoting, should be prohibited. What is the sense of ...
Gennady Vanin Геннадий Ванин's user avatar