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7 votes
1 answer

adding ipset tag

I have a question about my Server Fault post: replacing a runtime instance of ipset I'd like to add ipset tag to my question. There are actually quite a few questions on serverfault that cover ipset, ...
Serguei's user avatar
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3 votes
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Tag synonym request - Office 365

I would like to see the following tags set as synonyms of MS-Office-365 : Exchange-Online MS-Exchange-365 While Exchange Online could be considered a separate offering by Microsoft from Office 365, ...
TheCleaner's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

certificate and certificates tag merge request

Can someone please merge the tag certificates to the tag certificate? There is likely many more tags that differ merely by plurality indication.
maweeras's user avatar
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4 votes
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ad-lds and active-directory-lds tag merge request

Can someone please merge the ad-lds and active-directory-lds tags please? ad-lds is the preferred tag to remain.
maweeras's user avatar
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4 votes
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frs and ntfrs tag merge request

Can someone please merge frs and ntfrs tags? They both refer to the same component. I.e. NT file replication service. frs would be the preferred tag to remain.
maweeras's user avatar
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