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36 votes
6 answers

Why SF is failing - the dismal future of ServerFault

This is a Canonical Question about the scope of Server Fault and the attitude of the community. This is in response to Questions to ask the SE staff regarding the future of ServerFault Why am I ...
Thomas's user avatar
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92 votes
8 answers

Is ServerFault doomed? Not if we all vote more!

To sum up a lot of the threads and comments on Meta.SF: We're doooomed! That seems to be the consensus. Look at some of the answers and comments in Why the major FAQ/help change? and Can we do ...
user avatar
30 votes
8 answers

Can we do anything to change the dynamic of the site?

This came up in relation to the upcoming mod election, e.g. Dennis' question here, and tombull89's and Iain's comments here, but I think the discussion of this shouldn't be limited to "what do the the ...
Ward - Trying Codidact's user avatar
19 votes
13 answers

How do high-reputation SF users solve their own problems?

I have viewed some profiles of SF users who have high reputations. One thing I have noticed that they have asked only a few questions. Some Profile links are given below: Evan Anderson Iain MadHatter ...
Jerry's user avatar
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7 votes
6 answers

How is Server Fault doing as of late 2011?

I'm not a heavy Server Fault user, but it seems to me that it's growing a lot slower than other sites. The front page is often full of questions with hardly any upvotes, and I often find old questions ...
ripper234's user avatar
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5 votes
6 answers

I would like the URLs to your blogs

I'm looking to compile a list of blogs that users here write as I'd like to follow them. If you are an active member and want to share your sites to be followed, please post them below.
Holocryptic's user avatar
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4 votes
6 answers

Are questions from high-rep users more valuable?

...and, if so, can we do anything to get more of them? This question mutated a few times while I wrote it... Originally I was going to say that the lack of questions from high-rep users was a ...
Ward - Trying Codidact's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

User name history

It's a minor thing, but I'm wondering if there's any way to see what previous names a person has used. I know that this guy previously used what I assume is his real name, and I think that before ...
Ward - Trying Codidact's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Is this new SF user posting too-many/too-poor questions

Someone quite new popped up on 30th December on SF and since then has posted 12 new questions in the last 9 hours, 25 in the last day and 30 in the last 6 days since the 30th. Many if not all of ...
Chopper3's user avatar
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