Questions tagged [voting]

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39 votes
9 answers

On the paucity of voting

paucity ˈpɔːsɪti noun the presence of something in only small or insufficient quantities or amounts. "a paucity of information" The active community on Server Fault is tiny, most people ...
user9517's user avatar
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34 votes
3 answers

Can we increase the number of close-votes per day?

Recenly, in Chat it was suggested by an SF moderator: One side issue is, given the volume we're seeing now, I don't think users have enough daily close votes. The response by an SE employee was: ...
Ward - Trying Codidact's user avatar
29 votes
13 answers

How can we recruit and retain more talent?

Tangentially related to another meta post, the last discussion about this was a while back, so it may be time to revisit this topic. The #1 answer in the chat was money, so that and fried chicken ...
MDMoore313's user avatar
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25 votes
3 answers

How to deal with bad questions? VOTE!

tl;dr: Please vote more; both up and down. Why you should all (ok, almost all) vote more: Admittedly, when it comes to voting, I'm a bit like the porcupine in the Dilbert cartoon at the end of this ...
Ward - Trying Codidact's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

Does the serial down voting algorithm take previous behavior into account?

Yesterday, I had 10 questions downvoted in rapid succession. This morning, I woke up to a serial downvote reversal as I expected I would. Shortly after, three of my top voted answers were downvoted: ...
MDMarra's user avatar
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11 votes
5 answers

Observation: Up-Voting appears to be more much rare here than on SU

I've seen y'all are wary of suspect upvoting patterns here on SF: Upvoting without discretion But I've also noticed that even on questions with several comments, upvotes are very rare. Full ...
music2myear's user avatar
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9 votes
5 answers

Handling very-low-quality answers

As a moderator I see a lot of flags for "very low quality". Sometimes they can be fixed. A lot of the time the flag is code for, "this is a crap answer," and nothing can be done but down-vote it, ...
sysadmin1138's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Cannot do a primary vote: errors

Whenever I try to cast a vote on primary, I get a red popup saying: An error has occurred - please retry your request. I have already force-reloaded the site, but that did not help either. What am I ...
mirabilos's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Daily Vote Limit Reached at 38 Votes

I've voted 38 times today and can't up/down-vote any questions or answers, getting the Daily Vote Limit Reached message. Does flagging a comment as Spam count against these? Or any other actions? ...
Chris S's user avatar
  • 78.2k
6 votes
1 answer

Upvoting without discretion

For the past 24 hours at least, someone has been upvoting questions without discretion on ServerFault. At first, I started to downvote the particularly heinous misappropriation. At this point, I'm ...
Warner's user avatar
  • 24k
4 votes
1 answer

Since when are question votes different from answer votes?

Just got this message: Have question votes always been treated differently than votes on answers?
Ward - Trying Codidact's user avatar
4 votes
5 answers

Possible voting options

I've just been reading a bunch of questions on the various sites regarding the moving and closing of questions. The one point that really stands out is that not everyone is happy about how frequently ...
John Gardeniers's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Does the voters tab show everyone who's voted?

Or does it show only those who have cast, say, 5 votes? If it's everyone, it seems like 14 people voting so far this week is very very low.
Ward - Trying Codidact's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Election Voting -- Why can I DOWNVOTE a candidate?

I'm a little curious as to why users on the moderator election page can downvote a candidate. This actually does not make sense to me. Is this a bug? or a feature? and why.
mdpc's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

"normal" close vote share

For a few days I have been having access to the close vote queue now and I am a bit shocked. My experience is limited to "Unix & Linux" where IIRC the maximum number of items in the queue was two ...
Hauke Laging's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Why not show both down and up votes by default. ala Youtube?

I have the feeling it might help having less of a black or white questions or answers system. I think having it set by default would be a better behaviour. Lets add some shades of grey in here... ...
Alex's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

The cleanup of old, bad questions is costing me votes!

At least, I think it's costing me votes. My understanding is that when questions are deleted, votes cast on the Q or any As are taken out of a person's vote counts. That's actually not a terrible ...
Ward - Trying Codidact's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

What is happening to the VtC queue? [duplicate]

As we can see, the VtC queue is around 200 since a long time. Its daily stats show a very low activity. It seems, the 3k+ users of the site produce a much lower review activity as they had to. Other ...
peterh's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

What are the real voting stats? And have the numbers really gone up that much?

Looking at the previous election results pages, I see: This election ended Feb 2 '11 at 21:00. 3,834 voters were eligible, 566 visited the election, and 310 voted SysAdmin1138 and MarkHenderson ...
Ward - Trying Codidact's user avatar