OK, I've thought of one that would at least help me realize my dream that **Question #5** might happen and it seems definitely doable: > So consider this either **Question 12** or **Question 5b**: Since there's obviously a way the system knows a question is a `First Question`: ---------- ![First question][1] ---------- Can we simply have a `FIRST-QUESTION` tag that gets auto-set for a user's first question only? Then if I decided that I no longer wanted to even see these questions I could set that tag as `ignored` and use a Greasemonkey script like: [Stack Overflow Tag Manager][2] to truly hide these questions in the UI. I know the overall concept is that new questions are just as welcome as any others, and I'm not denying them from asking a question nor am I imposing a setting on everyone. [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/pP2tb.jpg [2]: https://stackapps.com/questions/2062/stack-overflow-tag-manager?rq=1