Why is the Server Fault community so unfriendly? On other Stack Exchange sites, I get the feeling that people are actually trying to help you, but here I very often feel that its better to find a solution to my problem on my own than to ask any question, because you can get downvoted straight away without even comments. I studied IT and and spent years as IT professional and I really try hard to find a solution before I ask any question, but it seems that this is not good enough for Server Fault. [My last question](http://serverfault.com/questions/645742/vpn-tunnel-to-two-services-on-two-servers) (notably not my **first** question) attracted several downvotes and close votes before anyone bothered to explain what was wrong with it. Is the aim to create closed community and downvote anyone else ? ###[What's wrong with the Server Fault community?][1] [1]: https://meta.serverfault.com/questions/2737/whats-wrong-with-serverfault-community