<p>Here's a meta.SO question about crappy review audits:</p>

<p><a href="http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/180417/clearly-wrong-close-review-audit-what-action-to-take">Clearly wrong close review audit - what action to take?</a></p>

<p>Questions for review audits are picked automatically and it's obvious from all the questions about them that they aren't always as clearly good or bad as they should be.  </p>

<p>The official SE response seems to be:</p>

<li>the audits are needed to deal with all the robo-reviewers</li>
<li>the automatic question selection is best they can do</li>
<li>if you fail the odd audit there are no repercussions</li>
<li>if you did get review banned because of a series of bad audits, you could "appeal" it</li>

<p>Basically, they aren't planning on changing anything at this point, even in the case of possible duplicates, where they know the audit doesn't work properly:</p>

<p><a href="http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/179651/close-vote-review-audit-flawed-fails-without-casting-vote">Close vote review audit flawed - fails without casting vote</a></p>

<p>One of the comments mentions a bounty, there's a question specifically about that:</p>

<p><a href="http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/169486/a-reopen-queue-review-audit-shouldnt-show-me-a-question-that-has-an-active-boun">A reopen queue review audit shouldn&#39;t show me a question that has an active bounty</a></p>