No, Server Fault is no longer for professionals it is for [professional quality questions][1]. That many, if not most people asking questions fail even, to make that standard is regrettable. It is though easy to deal with. Downvote, vote to close and move on as you see fit. The good news is that with all the fail ending up on SE, Yahoo! Answers is improving. --- > My actual question is: what can we do more about this kind of things in order to improve the quality of the website? Very little. Fewer and fewer 'senior' members play the game any more. New members with skills arrive and frequently leave long before attaining the privileges to be helpful in managing quality. Voting on SF is absolutely appalling, some people, even quite senior and moderators almost never bother. Server Fault is no longer a Q&A site it has become tech support for the clueless of the internet. [1]: