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John Gardeniers
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Unqualified "professionals"

We see a fairly steady stream of questions by people who for one reason or another find themselves having to do a sysadmin's work but have no experience or qualifications whatsoever. Very often they are simply the only person who knows where the on/off switch is and so are deemed to be the best qualified of those available.

Their questions make it clear they are way out of their depth and often the best advise that can be given to them is to seek the services of someone who knows what they're doing. Their questions are also generally very poorly worded, at least in a technical sense, and tend to get seriously downvoted. Plus, it's often clear that they would not cope with a properly detailed technical answer.

Despite all that, these people are being paid to do the job and so are in the strictest sense professionals.

As a moderator, how would you react to such questions if they have not previously been flagged for moderator attention?

John Gardeniers
  • 27.7k
  • 23
  • 38