As a systems admin I often come on here looking for the answer to an obscure question. The best way to get an answer to that is to have the widest audience/knowledgebase possible, not the most specialised one. I don't care who asked or answered my question, be it another sysadmin, a developer or shock horror a home user/amateur. We need good quality questions but who cares if there are noobish questions too, that is what search is for. No one is obliged to answer anything they don't want to. It doesn't matter if there is collateral help for others in the process of working in the interests of the sysadmin. The current focus on trying to expel these other people at all costs harms the usefulness of the site to those like me, the target professional sysadmin! Is the current focus helping make the place more useful or are people trying too hard to be orderly? Addn: the idea of this is for people to stop and question their assumptions and open a discussion. Not for the vocal minority to shoot it down without considering what is best for the site or the wants of majority of users.