A lot of other sites are using blog.site.com to create a [blog on their topic][1] with contributions from the community.

The [Server Fault blog][2] has mostly been posts from George and I about running these sites and our experiences and thoughts in doing so.

I'd be interested if the SF community would like to:

1. keep the blog the way it is so it sort of tells the story our site
1. keep it pretty much the way it is with the occasional guest post
1. see blog.sf become primarily a community blog

Now, if people would really like to see #3, that would come with the requirement that several top users are interested in  writing posts, taking the time review each others posts etc. For more on what would be involved see [Rebbecca's post][3].

  [1]: http://blog.stackoverflow.com/2011/06/blog-overflow/
  [2]: http://blog.serverfault.com
  [3]: http://blog.stackoverflow.com/2011/06/blog-overflow/