First, there's really nothing we (SF users or moderators) can do about an automatic question ban. This is an entirely automatic process and is completely opaque, even to us. Cold, heartless algorithms make the decision, and we can't override it - all we can do is say "Wait until the cold, heartless algorithms say you can post again".  
Your avenue of appeal is [email protected] (though I'm not 100% sure they can get rid of an automatic ban either they could certainly talk to the folks who can).


Second, people are free to vote on questions however they want.  The standard downvote guidance is `This question does not show any research effort; it is unclear or not useful`.  
Interpreting this broadly, off-topic questions are "not useful" (they detract from the purpose of the site and lower its overall quality), and many people downvote off-topic questions.  
Overly broad questions, or poorly asked ones, often find themselves in the same boat.

In addition questions are automatically downvoted *by the system* when they are closed for certain reasons (this is to encourage the automatic question deletion algorithm to remove them after a sufficient period of time has elapsed).  
If you have a bunch of closed questions sitting at `-1` (which you do) it's because a cold, heartless algorithm automatically slapped that downvote on there when the question was closed so that other cold, heartless algorithms would know it's OK to reap the question.


Finally, and please don't take this the wrong way, I took a look at your question history (since there aren't a lot of them) and they frankly don't pass muster when measured against our quality standards (which I will freely admit are higher and enforced a little more rigidly than many other SE sites).  

Remember that Server Fault is a site [for Information Technology Professionals needing expert answers related to managing computer systems in a **professional capacity**]( (right out of the FAQ).  
Some of your questions are clearly about a home environment (which is specifically off-topic per the FAQ), and others are product/service recommendations (also specifically called out as off-topic in the FAQ, as well as [this network blog post](

You should not be surprised if those sorts of questions get stomped on, nor should you be surprised that we don't dump the product-and-service-recommendation types on our sister sites (particularly SuperUser, which was so plagued by them that it precipitated the declaration that they are not allowed on the network).