For such suggestion I think it must be asked on [MSE][1], but please validate if it was already asked in the past there. I would not migrate directly as often duplicate get downvoted a lot on [MSE][1]

I think the rational of MSE is you can be a good programmer, but a total outsider to be a sysadmin, thus the right gain are by site. 

A good exemple; I'am French native and my reputation here is good, but giving me the editing right on like [English Language and Usage][2] would not be ok, as I'am far to be the best in English.

In your case it's borderline as tag like mysql are shared between DBA and here, and often a DBA question could fit both site (but on StackOverflow the tag would possibly mean more the API side of the product) So maybe there is a case to do on [MSE][1] when a site share some tags on sisters site like you state, but I will leave you the choice to post the feature-request on [MSE][1] or not.
