I have asked several questions on serverfault.com, which some users have decided belong better on superuser.com (although I don't think I agree and the demarcation is not clear anyway). Now, these questions were closed as off-topic, which I can accept, I suppose, but:

 - None of them was migrated to superuser.com
 - They have been downvoted, one of them as far as -3, although comments did not suggest they were invalid, offensive, vague or otherwise inappropriate except for being relevant to another site

but what's worst of all:

 - I have now been banned from asking questions due to these questions.

I find this to be a very unfair outcome to what I think is acceptable behavior. How can I get my questions migrated and/or un-downvoted?

PS - Another [question](http://serverfault.com/questions/432718/avoiding-syslog-ng-noise-from-cron-jobs) of mine got closed as a dupe, although it wasn't really.