I'm referring to a rather specific class of "answers" that people post, but it is happening frequently enough now that it's generating a lot of crap "answers" and is starting to annoy me somewhat.

For example, [this answer][1] is effectively a "me too" answer. This is not only unhelpful in that it creates extra and unnecessary noise in the answers, but people see this behaviour and might get the impression this is normal behaviour and do the same for other questions.

What I propose is a new flag reason for answers called "Pointless Answer" that with enough votes would delete the post, but not penalise the user for it. I don't feel any of the current flag options are appropriate for this type of "answer", and I don't believe it warrants negative reputation like (I believe) the current flags do.


  [1]: http://serverfault.com/questions/126724/dhcp-requests-failing/213009#213009