<blockquote> <p><strong>Possible Duplicate:</strong><br> <a href="http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/39613/legitimate-ways-for-users-to-protest-irrelevant-sponsorship-of-tags">legitimate ways for users to protest irrelevant sponsorship of tags</a> </p> </blockquote> <p>Ok, fine, Redgate has tools for Exchange and SQL Server, so maybe it makes sense to have the annoying little rg on exchange and sql-server tags (although it's arguable even there, since not every Exchange question is about archiving, and that's what all Redgate's ads are for).</p> <p>But there are also rg's on email and backup tags, which make no sense at all. The first page of questions tagged "email" has only a few Exchange questions, so it's irrelevant to have ads for an Exchange archiving tool all over the place.</p> <p>How about getting rid of the rg's altogether?</p>