I was going through review of some questions that was voted for closing. [One of them][1] was marked as unclear what you are asking. I read the question, and to me it was perfectly clear what the OP was asking, and what the answer to that question was.

One might argue that the question was off-topic or that the OP had not done enough research before asking. But I did not consider it so clearly off-topic, that I would vote to close it. And since it was definitely not unclear what was being asked, I chose the keep open option.

Next I am told: 

> STOP! Look and Listen.
This was an audit, designed to see if you were paying attention. You didn't pass.

And the only option I am given then is to click `I understand`. But I disagree, I think the people who originally flagged that question as "unclear what you are asking" made a mistake, or did simply not put enough effort into understanding the question.

What do I do next? Do I simply ignore that this question was closed with an inappropriate reason? Or is there something else, I should be doing?

The question was: [What protocol do these segments use?][2]

  [1]: http://serverfault.com/review/close/125007
  [2]: http://serverfault.com/questions/590245/what-protocol-do-these-segments-use