<p>I saw this over on Meta.SO: <a href="http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/139770/should-certification-questions-be-closed">Should certification questions be closed?</a> where the answer stated:</p> <blockquote> <p>Questions that ask for clarification on or an answer to a specific question from a certification exam (i.e. questions we could actually answer) can stay. Those questions should probably be retagged with the specific certification exam...</p> </blockquote> <p>Is this true as well here on SF? The off-topic list includes:</p> <blockquote> <ul> <li>Product, service, or learning material recommendations</li> <li>Career, salary, personnel, employment, or formal education</li> </ul> </blockquote> <p>Which the Meta.SO answer states is really off-topic as well, but clarifies it with the above quote/point.</p> <p>All that said...the real question here is, if the quote from Meta.SO isn't valid here on SF, should tags such as <a href="http://serverfault.com/questions/tagged/ccna" class="post-tag" title="show questions tagged 'ccna'" rel="tag">ccna</a> or <a href="http://serverfault.com/questions/tagged/mcse" class="post-tag" title="show questions tagged 'mcse'" rel="tag">mcse</a> be removed? It would seem that leaving them would allow someone to think that a question regarding the CCNA is ok if a tag exists and has been used quite a few times in the past. Case in point from today: <a href="http://serverfault.com/questions/532027/when-we-subnet-are-we-borrowing-from-the-network-id-or-host-id-to-create-subnet">When we subnet, are we borrowing from the network id or host id to create subnets?</a></p> <p>However, if the Meta.SO point is VALID here as well, then leaving the tags around is also valid.</p> <p>(The point could be made for instance, that the example question is still valid and on-topic without the CCNA tag or the question stating "While studying for my CCNA...", so does adding the CCNA tag suddenly render it OT?)</p> <p>OR...could someone assume the tag is a qualifier for the level of expertise needed on a question? For instance, if I ask a question on OSPF, would tagging it with <a href="http://serverfault.com/questions/tagged/ccna" class="post-tag" title="show questions tagged 'ccna'" rel="tag">ccna</a> hope to draw in Cisco experts?</p>