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Improving Server Fault

Possible Duplicate:
How do we grow the Server Fault and Super User communities?

I have been fairly regular on Server Fault since it went public earlier this year. However, as the site gets older, the quality of the questions and answers seems to have gone down hill. Sure, there are a still handful of great users that provide quality answers to a lot of topics but the community in general is maybe not so great.

I may get down voted for this, but I fear the problem is that SF is really just "tech support for developers." The site's tag is a Q&A site for system administrators and IT professionals, but I would be surprised if half the users are actually professional system/network administrators.

The result is that the site works well if you have a question about configuring SQL or web servers, but maybe not so well if you are trying to figure out how to block STP broadcasts on a specific port for HP Procurves.

I guess the question is, how do we improve Server Fault and how do we get more professional administrator eyes on the site?

A good example of what I am talking about - the first four questions on the Active list are all by developers with a much higher SO reputation than on SF:

  • 9.7k
  • 15
  • 12