Working Draft
Server Fault is for System Administrators and Desktop Support Professionals needing expert answers on topics related to managing or maintaining computer systems in a professional capacity for their company or clients.
If your question is about…
- Servers - hardware - Operating Systems: linux windows-server-2008 freebsd solaris - Server Software: apache2 exchange-2010 sharepoint - Virtualization: vmware-esxi hyper-v kvm xen
- Enterprise storage Systems: san raid
- Business Workstations
- Networking: routing switch firewall
- Operations, Maintenance, and Monitoring: backup monitoring scripting
and it is not about…
- Anything in a home setting. No exceptions.
- Product, service, or learning material recommendations.
- Career, salary, personnel, employment, or formal education
- Licensing, legal (lex legis), and circumventing security or policy
- Unauthorized hacking, password cracking, or system abuse and misuse
We have sister sites…
- StackOverflow for Programming
- SuperUser for general Networking, Hardware, and Technology
- Unix & Linux for general Unix/Linux usage
- DBA for Advanced Database topics
- IT Security for Advanced Security (implementation, theory, white hat)
We also have…
… a list of the most common questions with links to the "best" answer we've identified.