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Tim Stone
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Mark Henderson Mark Henderson asked: Question: You see a question that's borderline appropriate for the site. It's got no flags, and two close votes. What do you do?

Ben Pilbrow Ben Pilbrow answered: I'd keep an eye on it (another tab in Firefox). If it gets enough community close votes, brilliant - if not then there's a judgement call to be made. If it's maybe appropriate somewhere else, then I'd ask in their chat room if they wanted it

Chris S Chris S answered: Leave it be. I don't see much reason for Mods to go out of their way to hammer the gray area when nobody is complaining.

pauska pauska answered: I'd monitor it, and see if it jumps up to 4 votes. If it does, I'd take a look at potential sites (like migrating it to since regular users cant do that).

MDMarra MDMarra answered: I would leave it be. Right now, I would probably add my close vote, but as a mod, my vote would be binding. Mod are human exception handles, as Jeff has called them in the past. There are plenty of other users over 3k to cast the last 3 votes if they feel it's appropriate. Until it's flagged, there's no reason for me to take action if it's truly borderline.

ErikA ErikA answered: Post a comment requesting that the OP improve the question.

voretaq7 voretaq7 answered: Depends on where it falls on the border. I mentioned in my candidate statement that I'm not fond of the idea of mod-hammering something, so if it had 2 votes and I thought it should go I would probably post it in VTC and see if it attracted a third close vote before tacking mine onto it.
If it's one of those "What are you asking?" type questions I'll do what I do now -- throw a comment on it asking for clarification.

WesleyDavid WesleyDavid answered: Hopefully with the FAQ being hammered out in such fine detail, there will be less borderline cases. Depending on the situation, I'd be inclined to bring it up in VTC. If it's super borderline, perhaps bring it up on meta in case we need to hone our purpose even more. I can also see myself hammering it locked - but if it can be cleaned up, I'd edit it into a more appropriate form. Wow, that's a tough one.

Iain Iain answered: Wait and see what the community decides - borderline isn't sufficient for mod hammer

freiheit freiheit answered: I'd probably leave it be. Depends on where on that border it sits. One option is a comment suggesting how to make it less borderline.

Ward Ward answered: Borderline? Leave it, probably post it on vote to close (as I do already, he says, attempting to show off a bit!)

Tim Stone
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