squillman asked: Do you tend to view all (or most) questions that are posted or do you stay mostly within your favorite tags?
Ward answered: I watch all the questions go by, skim almost all, and read most of them.
ErikA answered: I view pretty much all questions.
pauska answered: I reserve the right to avoid certain questions like the plague (cpanel comes to mind pretty quickly), but that will change if I get a pretty star next to my name. A mod can't filter out stuff that isn't interesting.
Chris S answered: I stick to questions I have a prayer of answering. Question with my favorite tags always get read. The rest are the luck of the draw.
WesleyDavid answered: I don't tag search much. I look at the first 50 questions on the home page, and sometimes spill over into the next 50 if I haven't seen those. I like to stay very broad, but I only deeply look into questions that I'm familiar with, because I can't really contribute in those except for spelling and grammar.
freiheit answered: I follow a few tags closely and skim a lot of the rest
Iain answered: I have a few tags ignored and several favourited tend to look at all those and some of the others
voretaq7 answered: I bounce around: I stick mostly to the unix/linux/networking/datacenter topics because it's what I know best, but I poke my head into various other areas to keep at least peripherally in touch with the rest of the industry. I may not actively answer in a broad range of tags (certainly not enough to get tag badges :) but I read questions that look interesting.
MDMarra answered: I don't hide any tags. I only follow windows-server-2008-r2, windows-server-2008, powershell, and active-directory, but I have badges in networking and linux as well. Just because a tag isn't a favorite doesn't mean that I don't feel it's valuable. I'm a jack-of-all-trades, so I tend to read questions on topics that I'm not familiar with to expand my professional knowledge.