If you've read the front page recently, you're well aware that there's a large percentage of total crap on it. Indeed, more than a third of the questions posted in the last 60 days have been closed or deleted. I'm led to believe this is quite a high number among Stack Exchange sites. This post is about one possible way to reduce the number of of poor quality questions: **Remove the ability of unregistered users to ask questions.** This has been done for some time on SO, Programmers and probably some other sites, with varying outcomes. A look at our [recent statistics][1] shows that 57% of questions posted by unregistered users are "bad" questions. And our resident statistician informs us that making this change could reduce our bad question rate [by up to 13%][2]. **But shouldn't we make it as easy as we can to ask questions?** It should be easy to ask a question, but my feeling has been for some time that it is _much too easy_ to ask a question here. We're not meant to be a site which will Google the answers for you or write your configuration files line-by-line or walk you through the finer points of plugging in a network cable. Requiring registration may discourage poor quality drive-by questions from people who won't even return to improve their question or accept an answer. For those who do register, it gives them a moment in which they may hopefully begin to [KEEP CALM and WRITE A BETTER QUESTION][3]. Ideally. **Is this all you've got? This won't have much of an effect.** No, this won't have a large effect on the rate of poor quality questions. But every little bit helps, and I have other ideas which I'll also be proposing in the days ahead. [1]: http://meta.serverfault.com/q/5838/126632 [2]: http://meta.serverfault.com/a/5840/126632 [3]: http://meta.serverfault.com/q/3608/126632