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resort for "continued" not two answers
Shane Madden
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squillman squillman asked: How much interaction have you had with the dev team and SE staff?

pauska pauska answered: Kyle likes to ban me for no apparent reason. That's just about it.

Ward Ward answered: None. Well, there was one email from Joel about 6 years ago, does that count?

ErikA ErikA answered: I've had very little, aside from a few brief interactions on MSF or answering a question that @KyleBrandt asked.

WesleyDavid WesleyDavid answered: None with the dev team. I know Kyle, George and Rebecca best. Never interacted with other SE employees that I know of.

WesleyDavid WesleyDavid continued: Oh, Peter Grace too. He was the first question that I threw a bounty on.

Chris S Chris S answered: Whenever they drop into The Comms Room it's always fun to pick their brain, but that's about it.

voretaq7 voretaq7 answered: SE staff mostly in chat/site questions. Developers mostly through meta/metaSO.
I wouldn't say I've had extensive interaction, but I'm not entirely unknown to the StackExchange team, and they either like me or politely tolerate my eccentricities.
I try not to be too much of a pest

Ben Pilbrow Ben Pilbrow answered: I've raised a few issues on MSO and I talk with the Kyle, George and Peter in the comms room. Nothing major though

Iain Iain answered: I've sent them some emails when asking for their help to deal with some tags - reorganising and blackholing and in particular.

freiheit freiheit answered: I've had a fair amount of interaction with SE staff (mostly in the teacher's lounge). The devs aren't in there as often, but some with them. One of the devs implemented mobile device improvements that I asked for, even.

MDMarra MDMarra answered: I've posted various bugs on mSO and have had good feedback. I also chat with George, Kyle, and Peter whenever they're in chat. From what I can tell, they're all nice people as long as you can back up concerns or suggestions with research or well-thought-out answers.

Tim Stone
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