Holocryptic http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/8683d8fce29fe8993114646382a882c5?s=16&d=identicon&r=PG Holocryptic asked: Do you think we close questions too quickly that can be salvaged with some editing? If so, can you think of a way to combat this?
Bart De Vos http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/b222843eb023b7d5108cb293983aad60?s=16&d=identicon&r=PG Bart De Vos answered: Sometimes we do. had a few times I was busy editing but the question was closed before I could Safe. Reopen, edit and let them try again.
WesleyDavid http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/a5ff577e70b04252ff110946377fd706?s=16&d=identicon&r=PG WesleyDavid answered: Yes, in fact I Was guilty of that last night and @MarkHenderson poked me about it.
I need to be less lazy.
ErikA http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/b8f700857e67da1a482498c35e39338d?s=16&d=identicon&r=PG ErikA answered: Yes, most certainly. I think the OP should be at least given a chance to improve their question before it gets closed.
pauska http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/736558f18dfae17d79cf0479cac2838f?s=16&d=identicon&r=PG pauska answered: I agree, questions are sometimes closed way too fast. People (not just mods) should get better at commenting and giving people a chance to edit their question before locking them out.
Ward http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/f347c53c9cb1ddcb816daeb22aaf89c8?s=16&d=identicon&r=PG Ward answered: Sometimes we do. I think a comment that the asker can edit their question to make it better and then flag it would be appropriate in some cases. Then if they don't fix it, leaving it closed is usually right.
MDMarra http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/e6742a4db416a14e4b0201e0ee2f2506?s=16&d=identicon&r=PG MDMarra answered: There is a reopen vote for a reason. I don't think that there is such a thing as "closed too quickly". If the OP had read the faq and asked a good question, it wouldn't have been closed at all. If they see the error in their ways and make good edits, I'd have no problem reopening it, though.
Ben Pilbrow http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/8319c829f0b0a7e7f4e07faa513fe261?s=16&d=identicon&r=PG Ben Pilbrow answered: Sometimes we do. If I see one of those I do try and edit it, and I've had questions re-opened by community vote before after I've done some editing on it. I'd edit the question for clarity and drop a comment saying this is a reasonable question, it just needed a bit of love. Stop hating.
voretaq7 http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/03b75a71937ed56b4d9c3d244f776d05?s=16&d=identicon&r=PG voretaq7 answered: Sometimes yes. I usually don't vote to close such questions: I leave a comment asking for it to be reworded.
(Also sometimes I see close votes or downvotes I can't understand on questions, with no comments saying why -- I believe if we're downvoting/voting to close we owe it to the asker to say why, and I usually leave a comment to the effect of "Why with the downvoting?")
Chris S http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/71838b1ccd71421a3fc3db6612ba83c1?s=16&d=identicon&r=PG Chris S answered: Can we: yes. Should we: no. Promoting minimal effort from the Questioner isn't helping, not them and not the community. Answers for answers sake is not reason enough (though Greg House would disagree).
freiheit http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/0e68b82b2d7a20eba36c9fbe4350dd0d?s=16&d=identicon&r=PG freiheit answered: Questions can always be edited and re-opened. Commenting on a question suggesting how to fix it when closing can go a long way.