Yes, I want code highlighting.
This has been enabled, and at this time these tags inherited syntax highlighting and have it enabled.
vb vbscript perl powershell bash sh shell-scripting
The tags below have inherited code highlighting but it is off by default.
oracle mysql delphi json haskell netbeans drupal-6 boost drupal ios postgresql php qt .net-2.0 gcc .net-4.0 stored-procedures soap jsp servlets asp-classic c++ html5 lua ajax jquery codeigniter sql-server sql-server-2005 tsql sql-server-2008 c j2ee sqlite php5 ant wordpress cakephp flash xml zend-framework css ruby-on-rails c# hibernate django ruby javascript html coldfusion android regex vb6 wcf sharepoint http python sql database java .net plsql mono jboss
Moderators can configure (include turning highlighting off) syntax highlighting for a tag on the tag info page.