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Voting on the FAQ rewrite, round 2

After a successful edit round, it is time to vote on the results. The text below is the edited text we've worked on for the past week.

This will be open until UTC 0:00 Friday (3 days!) to gather votes.

As before, this will need a 2/3rds majority (only counting upvotes) for approval. If we don't reach it, we'll do a second edit round.

Server Fault is for Information Technology Professionals needing expert answers on topics related to managing or maintaining computer systems in a professional capacity for their company or clients.

If your question is about…

and it is not about…

… then you’re in the right place to ask your question!

We also have sister sites that cover specific topics in more detail:

  • StackOverflow for Programming.
  • SuperUser for general Networking, Hardware, and Technology.
  • Unix & Linux for general Unix/Linux usage.
  • DBA for Advanced Database topics.
  • IT Security for Advanced Security (implementation, theory, white hat).

We also have…

… a list of the most common questions with links to the "best" answer we've identified.

sysadmin1138 Mod
  • 135.3k
  • 6
  • 48
  • 90