# No Voting already is the community moderation system in action! And down-votes are part of that as much as up votes; or would you also require up-votes getting reviewed? Unlike voting down on answers, which also causes the voter to lose a point, voting down on questions is free in that regard and encouraged. The Stack Exchange philosophy is that voting on questions in general and even voting down [is a good thing<sup>TM</sup>](http://blog.stackoverflow.com/2011/06/optimizing-for-pearls-not-sand/). The voting system is also already regulated in a number of ways: - The voting [down](https://serverfault.com/help/privileges/vote-down) is a privilege that needs to be earned, it is not given freely, but requires a certain amount of community participation. - One user, one vote (per question and per answer). The community should easily be able to balance out a single discordant vote and commonly does so too.