I recently left [a comment](https://serverfault.com/questions/426509/cant-get-a-display-albums-function-to-work-php#comment456188_426509). That comment originally said something like `"What part of our [faq] made you think that this question was appropriate for Server Fault?"` It wasn't hostile, but it also wasn't the nicest. The user was a 1-rep user that clearly hadn't read the faq, so I kept it short and to-the-point instead of taking the hand-holding approach. Now, that comment reads: `"This is really off-topic for Server Fault (See our FAQ) -- it MIGHT fit on Stack Overflow, but it doesn't meet the requirements of a good question (Our standards and Stack Overflows are probably pretty similar)"` It shows that it was edited, but it wasn't by me. This leads me to believe that a mod edited it. Should a mod use commend-edit-power to make such a radical change? If my comment was offensive or inappropriate, I would prefer that it be deleted and the mod leave a "nicer" comment, instead of completely rewriting my own. What does the community think of this use of mod-edit powers?