> This is a Canonical Question / FAQ Candidate to help our new users ask better questions, > and hopefully get better answers. Similar questions: > > http://meta.serverfault.com/questions/237/how-do-i-get-better-answers > http://meta.serverfault.com/questions/2177/how-can-i-get-people-to-fully-read-my-question *** Welcome to Server Fault! You may have found your way to this question from a comment on the [main site](http://serverfault.com/) -- maybe a question you asked was recently closed, or maybe we're just having trouble figuring out what you're asking and how to help you. If you've come to this question you are probably wondering `How can I get my question reopened/answered?`. The answer to that question is almost always `Write a Good Question.`, which naturally leads to what you're probably wondering now: ##How do I ask a *good* question on Server Fault?