Working Draft --- Server Fault is for system administrators and desktop support professionals, people who manage or maintain computers in a professional capacity for their company or clients. <h3>If your question is about…</h3> - Servers - [tag:hardware] - Operating Systems: [tag:linux] [tag:windows-server-2008] [tag:freebsd] [tag:openbsd] [tag:solaris] [tag:aix] - Server Software: [tag:apache2] [tag:exchange-2010] [tag:sharepoint] - Virtualization: [tag:vmware-esxi] [tag:hyper-v] [tag:kvm] [tag:xen] [tag:jails] - Business or Enterprise [tag:storage] systems [tag:san] [tag:fibre-channel] [tag:raid] - Desktop PCs that you maintain in the workplace, including - Desktop PC Operating systems [tag:windows-7] [tag:ubuntu] - Managing desktop applications/software [tag:deployment] [tag:patch] [tag:sccm] [tag:wsus] [tag:zenworks] - Networks inside the professional workplace [tag:routing] [tag:switch] [tag:firewall] - Operations and Maintenance topics such as [tag:backup] [tag:monitoring] [tag:disaster-recovery] [tag:scripting] <h3>and it is <i>not</i> about…</h3> - Projects or uses of technology **in a home setting**. That includes the use of any of the above acceptable topics in a home environment. - [Product or service recommendations.][6] This includes requests for tutorials, books or other learning materials. - Career, salary, personnel, employment, or formal education - [Licensing][7] and Legal (lex legis) - Circumventing security or policy - Unauthorised hacking, password cracking, or system abuse and misuse <h3>We have <a href="">sister sites</a>…</h3> - [StackOverflow][1] for Programming - [SuperUser][2] for Networking, Servers, or Technology outside the professional workplace - [Unix & Linux][4] for general Unix/Linux computer troubleshooting - [DBA][5] for advanced database topics - [IT Security][A] for advanced security (implementation, theory, white hat) <h3>We also have…</h3> … a [list of the most common questions with links to the "best" answer we've identified][9]. [1]: [2]: [4]: [5]: [6]: [7]: [9]: [A]: [B]: