I have participated in a long comment chain under a specific [answer](https://serverfault.com/a/739479/324585) to the HNQ question [Why is my bare-metal 16x 2.93GHz cores computer performing poorer than a VPS with 4x 2.5GHz cores?](https://serverfault.com/q/739476/324585). This answer was locked by @womble♦ with the message _"This post has been locked due to the high amount of off-topic comments generated. For extended discussions, please use chat."_. As a result, the owner of that answer is no longer able to collect upvotes that are rightfully his. But he is in my opinion not guilty at all of the traffic under his question; I and others are. It seems unfair that due to (amongst others) my commenting activity, someone _else_ loses out on upvotes. On other sites where I've contributed, when this situation occurs, someone steps in and: 1. Moves the messages to a fresh chatroom in chat.relevant_stackexchange_site.com. 2. Snips the messages out from under the question. 3. Leaves a link to the new chat room home along with a stern warning. I propose that the post be unlocked and that the common solution on other sites be adopted instead. I'd also love if mortal users could trigger this migration to chat without waiting for the system to offer the prompt that paraphrases as _"Comments are for clarifications and not for extended discussion. Move this conversation to chat?"_.