I was googling for my own answer from couple of years ago and was surprised to first find it from an Indian site called "Query Starter" https://www.questarter.com/ This site seems to mirror all questions from several SE sites, but not in realtime. I wouldn't mind if it was stated clearly that they are providing e.g. an accessibility interface or a proxy for slow local connections for enabling access to these sites via Stack Exchange API. Sharing the information is even encouraged: > user contributions licensed under [cc by-sa 3.0][1] with [attribution required][2]. But it's not. It's just all our content with added `Copyright © QueStarter 2019`. Is SE aware of it already? How SE handles copyright infringement in general? [1]: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ [2]: https://stackoverflow.blog/2009/06/25/attribution-required/