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Should Server Fault be removed from Stack Overflow's migration list?

At the end of October, Shog9 said:

If SO migrations are truly a problem, then you get removed as a migration target completely. No user migrations, period.

as a response to this m.SO question about the rising number of bad migrations.

Since that question was posted, we've paid more attention to the inbound migrated questions list and the percentage rejected has risen to 40% with no end in sight. It's pretty easy to see that if things continue as they are now, we should easily be over 50% rejections by the new year.

At what point do we actually consider the option of removing ourselves as a migration target? 50%? 60%? Now?

Some mods and people in chat at the time were OK with that. Others thought it was too extreme. That's when the number was only 25% rejected. How do we feel about this now that we've had a month's worth of attention on it and are beginning to see things a bit more clearly?

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